Embrace Your Destiny

To be a champion, you must dream big. It’s not always about winning and losing, it’s about every day hard work and blooming every challenge. It’s about not being afraid and embracing the pain that you’ll experience at the end of a game. I think people assume too tough and get anxious about a certain challenge.

If life is a race, then who is winning?

There are many things around us that taught some incredibly valuable life lessons and will also help us in winning the game of our lives.

If you have no confidence in yourself then you are twice defeated in the race of life.

Try to keep in mind that it’s a long journey, a race, a game. It’s about staying focused, continuing to do good work, making you proud and winning. That’s all that matters.

Many shortcuts in life will help in making our dreams come true and getting succeeded but if shortcuts were the solutions of every problem then every IT professional who uses shortcut keys in keyboard would be the millionaire. Isn’t it true? But it’s not like that. In reality, shortcuts usually lead to disappointments rather than quicker success. The key to any long-term success is to take the required small steps rather than skip any of them. A person can achieve his goals by dedication, hard work, and self-confidence but you choose the easy way out then it would be tough for an individual to achieve success and fame. This would always be true whether the goals are relationship related or financial related. Every shortcut has a downfall and in this race, if you’ve fallen down then you must have enough strength to run again better and win. Your initial circumstances cannot decide the outcome. If you are determined to be successful and give it your all, you can live your dreams. All your visions can become a reality if you have the courage to chase them. Just by daydreaming about what can happen is not good at all. We need to take the first step and actually pursue what we want. If an individual understood the trick of life then nobody can put him down.

Life is a wheel of fortune and you have to spin it, there will be many stuff stick on that and you have to spin it and try your luck. In case you didn’t get what you desire to move it to the one you want. Dude, nobody watches you when you are alone! Change your fortune just by doing hard work and being dedicated towards your goal, only then the life will consider that you’ve come back to the race.

Even Betrayal is one of the most distressing events in our lives. Most people after they have been betrayed by their close ones are deeply affected, and some never fully recover and becomes totally apart from their lives.

Betrayal often creates a pain that is too uncomfortable to live in. The more uncomfortable we become, the more willing we are to change positions.

All at once, our egos are dying, and deep truths exposed, and we don’t know how to keep them hidden anymore. With our ego on life support, we have nothing standing between us and parts of ourselves our ego and vanity hide so well. There is no pain with love. Love doesn’t hurt. Only our selfishness hurts. Only our fear hurts. Only the death of our arrogance and vanity hurts.

Sometimes, we don’t remain hurt forever, intense pain changes us and reshapes us into something new. At times it’s hard to recognize the difference. With the loss of our “innocence”, we get angry. Our innocence was the comfortable fantasy we carried with us since childhood and it sucks to lose it but try to come out of that sort of environment. Once you are apart from betrayal trauma, now it’s the time to find out about the reason behind your betrayal. It would be interesting to know that the person you’ve trusted how any why betrayed you so simply and now moving around like nothing happened. Maybe in the race of life, that individual tried to put you down by some dirty methods and winning the race but don’t make it simple. If the person did that mistakenly and even apologized to you then he needs to be forgiven but if the person did that intentionally did that then he would not have forgiven. Take the revenge dude, come on man, and put him down by identifying his weakness only by his technique. This would be the best revenge, the person would have never assumed that the person he betrayed will put him down just by his tricks only. Just do everything in silence. Remember that! In this game of life do everything by maintaining silence. Don’t let the people get any clue that you’re planning to defeat them. Leave them behind then make noise to wonder them that how you conquered them.

Champions are made when nobody is watching. The game is on when you’re alone when you’re behind the scenes. You can lie about it but your actions will expose you or time will expose you. Looking at the mirror and knowing you’re not doing your best that you’re just pretending to do live a life of an entrepreneur, why can’t people realize how lazy they actually are? Pretending to be champions just for the looks, how weird!

Don’t make the mistake to live the same day, the same year, the same life without change, without improvement, without ADVENTURE and call it a life. Breathing and living are two different things. Being satisfied and pretending are different.

Do while everyone is debating, work while everyone is chilling, please stop living a sheep life when you can be a LION.

Khushi Anand


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