All About The Destiny

And destiny is a very strange thing. 

Yes, I believe in destiny but this destiny is not a 100 percent blueprint of our life. Rather it’s like a rough sketch. We are destined to meet some people in our life. But what values is whether the time and place are also right or not. 

If all are right, then only you are through. Otherwise, you have to go through some difficult time.

Moreover, let me clear one specific thing, destiny is not what GOD had decided for you, it is some sort of thing that is bound to happen in your life and sometimes, it is decided by the powers of UNIVERSE that is inside of you.

Nobody from the outside can determine your destiny and it absolutely not depends on fate. Fate is about the present, where every decision an individual has made has led them to their present scenario. However, Destiny is the future scenario determined by decisions an individual will make.

Destiny is used with regard to the finality of events as they have worked themselves out; and to that same sense of “destination”, projected into the future to become the flow of events as they will work themselves out.

In a broad sense, destiny is flexible. It’s not that every moment is destined, preplanned or fated. Rather, some moments in our lives are planned by the almighty or by some powers of the universe. It’s our decision whether to take those moments accurately or not.

 If you miss collecting that valuable time, our life will be difficult but not a disaster. Some places, some times, some accidents and some people are destined for you in such a way that you can get an increase if you make high-grade use of it.

As per my perspective, destiny is like some pre-drawn points on the canvas. But what you will do with those points totally depends on you. I am a good artist so I know how to deal with paints and brushes! Just use your color, your imagination and fill up the whole canvas – and that is your life.

Soon, the output would be picture-perfect but only if you choose the points perfectly with perfect color and perfect brush strokes. Otherwise, the frame will always be incomplete no matter how much colorful or attractive it is from the outside.

And before I explain destiny to you in an elaborated way, I would like to explain, while going through a small book titled “Karma and Freedom”, I go through certain references and I wished to share with you…

“Our achievements are determined by our efforts. Our efforts are, therefore, our destiny! Whether they are the past or the present efforts, it is the stronger ones that determine our destiny. In either case, it is man’s efforts that determine his destiny by its strength. Man determines his destiny through his thoughts. He can make those things also happen which were not destined to happen. There is nothing in the world which cannot be achieved by a man by the right sort of effort. And you can be that man if you genuinely crave to be. “

Man is free to take any action, therefore, control and proper judgments are necessary. Control over action is possible if we can supervise the cause that is “DESIRE”. A desire can be controlled through thoughts and by controlling the desire to develop will power. For example, if your desire to see a movie arise in your mind and you avoid it, it will increase your “WILL”, therefore intentionally or unintentionally, but the movie plan will get stick in your mind for a long time, resulting in a waste of time.

Having a company of people, who are pure about the desire of being pure, your desire will also arise, as if having a group of students who are preparing for IAS, the desire to be an IAS will arise and eventually increase day by day, too. This desire will motivate you and concentrate your efforts to be an IAS, thus cause a change in destiny.

For some truly hard-working or busy people, destiny happens when they are busy in making plans.

It is the accumulation of previous activities that are delivered to us in this life. It controls our nature and activities, our happiness and distress, our triumphs and failures, our fame or infamy.

Our entire life from birth to death is dominated by destiny, and it is non-negotiable. It is not set by God directly, it is set by our previous desires and activities. Judges send criminals to jail, but it is the criminal’s activities that result in him going to jail, the judge is not to blame.

There is no way to avoid our destiny, the only option is to become detached from it by going to a higher level of consciousness where the workings of the material world are less significant. But that means being detached from the joyful things as well as the miserable things.

Whatever you are now, and whatever you become by thirty years of age is determined by destiny.

It is not wrong to say that destiny is set by God, but it is not the full portrayal. Our destiny is determined by the laws of God according to our activities and desires.

Everyone has their purpose which is not given by God, it is born of our desires, but God may have his purpose separate from ours which is more powerful than our purpose. Sometimes they coincide and sometimes they conflict.

Another thing is the law of attraction that means attracting your goals, dreams, and desires in your life. Here, the universe is the higher power, if you want to believe in some other higher power then you can. There is a creative process. This process contains 3 steps: Ask, Believe and Recieve. When you want to attract any goal, dream, and desire then you have to ask the universe for what you want in your life. Then you have to believe in the universe that yes universe will give you what I truly want. Do actions to get that in your life. And here actions means- being positive, expressing gratitude, motivation. Then get ready to receive it from the universe. The universe will give you what you want. May be not instantly, but yes the universe will give that to you on time…

If you are here asking what exactly all this is, perhaps I don’t think anybody to a pleasing level could have a convincing explanation. But, I would certainly say this, there’s some solid truth behind it. We haven’t understood it to its entirety.

And of course, if the big leaders are not sure of all this, how can I be so certain but what I have examined or whatever I know is only what I’ve written out here.

You call it the law of attraction, universe sending message, power of thought, etc, doesn’t matter. People almost always get lost by their names. It’s not anybody’s mistake. It’s just that we haven’t figured out an outstanding vocabulary to explain certainly or rather most of the aspects of existence. Although a secret video went viral, Law of Attraction working absolutely for Rhonda Byrne making her a celebrity, it certainly has not revealed the secret. In fact, I personally feel it was a bit dramatized (maybe that’s one of the ways to reach the masses), still, it does not explain anything, entirely. On the other hand, I’m not dismissing it completely either, because I myself have had experiences which show that these work. Although, one might consider them as coincidences. 

Interestingly, you wanted certain coincidences. Lots to be known, and understood. But, certain things that don’t look mysterious can be practiced, that can have a profound impact on our behavior and hence, our life. The three most important things that I personally think one should try (and I believe you try, and please notify me after you have tried it!).

First one of it is, being positive. Initially like anything else it’s a bit hard, but eventually, with practice, you can have a stronghold on it. Try looking for positive at every situation that you think is going against you. What is interesting and can motivate is, there’s nothing which is completely dark wherein you can’t have positivity. It’s just that our mind takes the path of least resistance which eventually happens to be thinking negative. Have you ever wondered how easy it is to be negative and how bloody hard it is to be positive? But, the happy news is we can become positive little by little with practice and perseverance. When you start doing this you are hitting two birds with one stone. Firstly, you become more and more positive, secondly and most importantly you start becoming conscious. Becoming conscious, to me is of the highest value.

Secondly, taking actions, this is certainly important. You want something to happen, make sure you take necessary actions for it to happen. And yes, avoid being careless or lazy. It might look incremental (nothing truly is), but it can turn out to be revolutionary.

And lastly, being thankful for what you have. The attitude of gratitude. This is special. The moment you build this feeling of thankfulness, it gives great contentment, and with it brings a lot of positivity by which you go back to step one. The attitude of being thankful for what you have rather than complaining about what you don’t have can do wonders. Complaining will certainly not do any good, in fact, it makes things worse. That’s not what gratitude does. What’s more striking is, wonders are happening almost always around us, it’s just that we pay attention towards lack, that we can’t truly appreciate them.

And all the three points I have mentioned above have to be practiced little by little. By this, I mean being consistent about it. Not just to start with some excitement and eventually giving up (which most of them do, I too have. I have no hesitation in accepting this). Do it daily with no break until it becomes a habit (a point where you no longer have to take some effort to do them). From, then on you are in for a surprise. I won’t tell you what it is like. I leave it to you to have an experience about. And, once you get some pictures of it, from there on you can carry forward. You will no longer call it Law of Attraction, Universe doing miracles (which can be done, is not something that happens for some chosen). You don’t want to see if it’s true, you start living by the magic of it.

Khushi Anand


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